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论著.生物信息技术 | 更新时间:2023-12-22
Acupoint selection rule of acupoint therapy for the treatment of diabetic neurogenic bladder: an exploration based on data mining

广西医学 2023第45卷19期 页码:2374-2378



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目的总结穴位疗法治疗糖尿病神经源性膀胱(DNB)的选穴规律。方法检索中国知网、维普资讯中文期刊服务平台、万方数据知识服务平台和PubMed数据库中关于穴位疗法治疗DNB的文献,建立选穴处方数据库。采用Microsoft Excel软件对治疗DNB的腧穴的使用频次、归经、分布部位进行描述性统计。采用SPSS Statistics 26软件的组间连接对腧穴进行聚类分析,采用SPSS Modeler 14.1软件的Apriori算法对腧穴进行关联规则分析。结果共纳入68篇文献,提取出91个处方,涉及腧穴63个。使用频次最高的腧穴为关元、中极、肾俞;63个腧穴主要分布于膀胱经、任脉、脾经、胃经,分布部位为腹部、腰背。聚类分析结果显示,治疗DNB的腧穴组合有6类,分别为关元-中极-气海-三阴交-膀胱俞-肾俞,阴陵泉,水道,足三里,脾俞-三焦俞,次髎-秩边。关联规则分析结果显示,支持度最高的腧穴组合为关元-中极,其次为关元-气海,再者为中极-膀胱俞、肾俞-膀胱俞。结论穴位疗法治疗DNB的选穴主要以温补下元、促进膀胱气化为原则,其腧穴配伍体现了中医治病求本的治疗原则。
ObjectiveTo summarize the acupoint selection rule of acupoint therapy for the treatment of diabetic neurogenic bladder (DNB).MethodsThe literature related to acupoint therapy for the treatment of DNB were retrieved from the databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure, VIP, Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, and PubMed, and prescription database of acupoint selection was established. The Microsoft Excel software was used to perform descriptive statistics on use frequency, meridians, and distributed sites of acupoints for the treatment of DNB. The between-groups linkage of SPSS Statistics 26 software was employed to perform cluster analysis on acupoints, and the Apriori algorithm of SPSS Modeler 14.1 software was used for association rule analysis on acupoints. ResultsA total of 68 literature was enrolled, extracting 91 prescriptions, concerning 63 acupoints. The acupoints with the highest use frequency were Guanyuan (B26), Zhongji (CV3), Shenshu (B23), the 63 acupoints were mainly distributed in bladder meridian, Ren meridian, spleen meridian, and stomach meridian, and distributed in sites of abdomen, waist and back. The results of cluster analysis revealed that there were 6 categories of acupoints combinations for treating DNB, concerning Guanyuan (B26)-Zhongji (CV3)-Qihai (B24)-Sanyinjiao (SP6)-Pangguangshu (B28)-Shenshu (B23), Yinlingquan (SP9), Shuidao (S28), Zusanli (S36), Pishu (B20)-Sanjiaoshu (B22), Ciliao (B32)-Zhibian (B54), respectively. The results of association rule analysis indicated that the combination of acupoints with the highest degree of support was Guanyuan (B26)-Zhongji (CV3), followed by Guanyuan (B26)-Qihai (B24), and Zhongji (CV3)-Pangguangshu (B28), Shenshu (B23)-Pangguangshu (B28).ConclusionAcupoint selection of acupoint therapy for the treatment of DNB is mainly by tonifying the kidney qi with herbs warm in property, promoting the bladder qi transformation as the principle, and its acupoints compatibility reflects therapeutic principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine searching for the root cause of a disease.






