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论著.中医药与民族医药诊疗 | 更新时间:2023-10-09
Medication rules of Guangxi ethnic medicine for the treatment of hepatitis based on data mining technique

广西医学 2023第45卷15期 页码:1827-1831



  • 中文简介
  • 英文简介
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目的采用数据挖掘技术,基于《广西民族医药验方汇编》总结广西民族医药治疗肝炎的用药规律。方法收集《广西民族医药验方汇编》中治疗肝炎的方剂并建立数据库。采用Microsoft Excel 2016软件统计药物的使用频次、性味、功效;采用 SPSS 22.0 软件对高频药物(使用频次≥10次)进行系统聚类分析;应用SPSS Modeler 18.0软件对所有药物进行关联规则分析。结果共纳入方剂255首,含440味药物。高频药物共22味,使用频次位居前5的药物依次为虎杖、田基黄、山栀子、车前草、十大功劳。高频药物药味以苦味、甘味、辛味为主,药性以寒性、凉性、平性为主,功效总体以清热解毒、清热利湿为基础,兼顾疏肝、退黄、散瘀。根据聚类分析结果,可将高频药物分为5组。关联规则分析得到16组核心药物组合,其中置信度最高的组合为鸡骨草+金钱草→田基黄。结论广西民族医药治疗肝炎具有显著的民族地域特色,常用药物的药味以苦味、甘味、辛味为主,药性以寒性、凉性、平性为主,治疗以清热解毒、清热利湿为基础,兼顾疏肝、退黄、散瘀。田基黄、鸡骨草、金钱草是关联性最强的药物组合。
ObjectiveTo summarize the medication rules of Guangxi ethnic medicine for the treatment of hepatitis based on Guangxi Minzu Yiyao Yanfang Huibian by using data mining technique. MethodsPrescriptions for the treatment of hepatitis were collected from Guangxi Minzu Yiyao Yanfang Huibian, and the database was established. The frequency of drug use, property and flavor of drug, and drug effect were statistically analyzed by employing the Microsoft Excel 2016 software. The systematic cluster analysis was performed on high-frequency drug (with frequency of use≥10 times) by using the SPSS 22.0 software. The SPSS Modeler 18.0 software was used to perform association rule analysis on all drugs. ResultsA total of 255 prescriptions were enrolled, involving 440 flavors of drugs. There were 22 flavors of high-frequency drugs in total, and the top 5 drugs with use frequency were successively Polygoni cuspidati rhizoma et radix, Hypericum japonicum, Gardeniae fructus, Plantaginis herba, and Mahonia bealei. Drug flavors of high-frequency drugs were mainly bitter, sweet, and acrid, drug properties were mainly cold, cool, and moderate, and the overall effect was based on clearing heat and toxic materials, clearing heat to remove dampness, and taking into account liver soothing, bile pigment from skin ebbing, and blood stasis dissipating. According to the results of cluster analysis, high-frequency drugs could be divided into five groups. A total of 16 core drug combinations were obtained by association rule analysis, of which the combination with the highest confidence was Abri herba+Lysimachiae herba→Hypericum japonicum. ConclusionThe treatment of hepatitis with Guangxi ethnic medicine exerts significant ethnic regional characteristics, the drug flavors of common drugs are mainly bitter, sweet, and acrid, drug properties are mainly cold, cool, and moderate, and the treatment is based on clearing heat and toxic materials, clearing heat to remove dampness, and taking into account liver soothing, bile pigment from skin ebbing, and blood stasis dissipating. The strongest association drug combination is found in Hypericum japonicum, Abri herba, and Lysimachiae herba.






