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论著·临床研究 | 更新时间:2024-08-05
Construction of standard indices and processes of multidisciplinary combination therapy for diabetic foot and concomitant diabetic nephropathy

广西医学 页码:860-866




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目的 构建糖尿病足(DF)合并糖尿病肾病(DN)的多学科联合治疗规范指标及流程。方法 通过文献检索及小组讨论等方法,撰写DF合并DN多学科联合治疗规范指标及流程的初稿并形成专家函询问卷。利用德尔菲法进行3轮专家函询,确立DF合并DN多学科联合治疗规范指标,通过专家论证会最终确定DF合并DN多学科联合治疗流程。结果 3轮专家函询问卷有效回收率均>90%,专家权威系数均>0.70;第三轮函询后一级、二级指标的肯德尔协调系数分别为0.268、0.314,变异系数分别为0.084~0.151、0.093~0.189。最终形成的DF合并DN多学科联合治疗规范指标及流程包括9个一级指标、61个二级指标,并在专家论证会讨论基础上形成流程图。结论 本研究构建的DF合并DN多学科联合治疗规范指标及流程具有一定的科学性、可靠性和适用性,可为DF合并DN患者的综合管理提供框架。

Objective To construct the standard indices and processes of multidisciplinary combination therapy for diabetic foot (DF) and concomitant diabetic nephropathy (DN). Methods The first draft of standard indices and processes of multidisciplinary combination therapy for DF and concomitant DN was composed and then the expert letter consultation was formed through the methods of literature retrieving and group discussion, etc. The Delphi method was used to perform 3⁃round expert letter consultations for determining the standard indices of multidisciplinary combination therapy for DF and concomitant DN; furthermore, the processes of multidisciplinary combination therapy for DF and concomitant DN was finally determined by expert demonstration meeting. Results The effective recovery rates of questionnaire for 3⁃round expert letter consultations were all larger than 90%, and the expert authority coefficients were all larger than 0.70. The Kendall coordinate coefficients of first⁃level and second⁃level indices were 0.268 and 0.314 after 3 rounds of letter consultation, respectively, and variable coefficients were 0.084-0.151, and 0.093-0.189, respectively. The final standard indices and processes of multidisciplinary combination therapy for DF and concomitant DN formed contained 9 first⁃level indices, 61 second⁃level indices, and flow chart was formed on the basis of expert demonstration meeting. Conclusion The standard indices and processes of multidisciplinary combination therapy for DF and concomitant DN constructed in this study exert scientific, reliable and applicability to a certain extent, which can provide framework for the integrated management of patients with DF and concomitant DN.






