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论著.中医药与民族医药诊疗 | 更新时间:2023-10-09
Medication rules of Zhang Zhongjing for treating dysphoria based on data mining technique

广西医学 2023第45卷15期 页码:1832-1835+1870


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目的基于数据挖掘技术探讨张仲景治疗烦躁的用药规律。方法收集《伤寒论》和《金匮要略》中治疗烦躁的方剂及其组成。采用WPS Office软件的Excel组件对方剂药物的使用频次、药物类别属性等进行统计描述,采用IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0软件对方剂药物进行关联规则分析和网络链接关系分析,采用IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0软件对药物进行聚类分析。结果共纳入方剂14首,涉及中药25味。使用频次≥2次的中药共13味,药性以温性为主,药味以苦味、甘味为主,药物功效类别中补虚药使用最多。关联规则分析得到10组二联药对和1组三联药组。网络链接关系分析显示,张仲景治疗烦躁的核心药物有大黄、芒硝、桂枝、石膏和甘草。聚类分析得到14组聚类组合,包括有6种单味药物、6组药对聚合组和2组多味药物聚合组,聚类群功效主要涉及清热泻火、滋阴、解表化气、温通经脉、燥湿除满、消积散痞等方面。结论《伤寒论》和《金匮要略》体现了张仲景治疗烦躁以热扰心神为出发点,根据寒热虚实辨证施治,配伍精妙,灵活运用。
ObjectiveTo explore the medication rules of Zhang Zhongjing for treating dysphoria based on data mining technique. MethodsThe prescriptions and compositions for the treatment of dysphoria were collected from Shanghanlun and Jingui Yaolüe. The statistical descripton was performed on frequency of drug use, categorical attributes of drugs, etc., by using the Excel module of WPS Office software. The association rule analysis and the network link connection analysis were performed on prescription drugs by using the IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 software. The cluster analysis was performed on drugs by using the IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 software. ResultsA total of 14 prescriptions were enrolled, involving 25 flavors of Traditional Chinese Medicines. There were totally 13 flavors of Traditional Chinese Medicines with use frequency≥2 times, and the drug properties were mainly warm, drug flavors were mainly bitter and sweet, in the category of drug effect, deficiency tonifying drugs were used the most. By association rule analysis, 10 two-drug pair groups and 1 three-drug combination group were obtained. The network link connection analysis revealed that the core drugs of Zhang Zhongjing for treating dysphoria were Radix rhei et rhizome, Natrii sulfas decahydricus, Cinnamomi ramulus, Cinnamomi ramulus, and licorice. By cluster analysis, 14 cluster groups were obtained, including 6 categories of single drug, 6 groups of drug-pair aggregation combination and 2 groups of multi-drug aggregation combination. The effects of cluster groups were primarily concerned with aspects of clearing heat and purging fire, nourishing yin, releasing exterior and transforming qi, warming meridians, eliminating dampness and dissipating abnormal fullness, expelling retained food and disintegrating lump, etc. ConclusionShanghanlun and Jingui Yaolüe reflect that Zhang Zhongjing takes heat disturbing the mind as the starting point for treating dysphoria, and treats differentiation of syndromes in accordance with cold and heat deficiency and excess, with exquisite combination and flexible application.






