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| 更新时间:2024-05-09
Scientific research status, influencing factors and coping strategies of Chinese hospital clinicians from the perspective of high⁃quality development

广西医学 页码:173-179


基金信息:中国科协战略发展部资助课题(20220615HT12270002); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题(3332023182)


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目的 了解我国医院临床医生群体的科研状况及影响因素,探讨高质量发展背景下临床科研人才的规划与建设。方法 选取我国东部、中部、西部8个省/自治区/直辖市,采用分层整群抽样法纳入40家医院,医院类型涵盖省级/市级/县级公立综合医院、公立中医医院、民营医院。调查临床医生开展科研工作的状况,应用二元Logistic回归模型分析临床医生参与科研工作的影响因素,并分析临床医生对科研困难的认知情况。结果 共纳入3 274名临床医生,50.3%的临床医生参与科研工作,91.3%的临床医生有明确的职业发展规划,其中将参与科研工作作为职业发展首要选择的临床医生占47.2%。性别、年龄、技术职称、医院类型、医院级别、对卫生技术人员职称评审实行成果代表作制度的赞同度、职业发展机会和平台可影响临床医生的科研工作参与情况(P<0.05)。临床医生在开展科研工作过程中面临的难题主要是临床业务繁重(占86.9%),其次是缺乏研究团队(占56.4%)、科研与临床脱节(占55.4%)。结论 我国临床医生群体有明确的职业发展规划,但科研工作参与度一般,且面临着“临床业务繁重”“缺乏研究团队”等限制因素。建议二/三级公立医院要将科技创新作为重点任务,注重发挥科研工作对医疗服务高质量发展的重要支撑作用,持续推进研究型医院建设;公立医院要建立健全科研人才规划,完善科技人才培养、使用、评价和激励机制。

Objective To understand the scientific research status and influencing factors for groups of Chinese hospital clinicians, and to explore the planning and construction of clinical scientific research talents under the background of high⁃quality development. Methods A total of 8 provinces/autonomous regions/municipalities directly under the central government from Eastern, Central, and Western China were selected, and 40 hospitals were enrolled by using the stratified cluster sampling method. Hospital types included provincial/municipal/county public general hospitals, public hospitals of Chinese Medicine, and private hospitals. The status of scientific research works carried out by clinicians was investigated. The binary Logistic regression model was applied to analyze the influencing factors for scientific research works participated by clinicians, and to analyze the awareness status of clinicians on scientific research difficulties. Results A total of 3274 clinicians were enrolled, 50.3% of clinicians participated in scientific research works, 91.3% of clinicians had clear career development planning, therein 47.2% of clinicians regarded scientific research works as their primary choice for career development. Gender, age, technical titles, hospital types, hospital levels, approval of the achievement representative system in the professional title evaluation of health technical personnel, and career development opportunities and platforms might affect the status of scientific research works participated by clinicians (P<0.05). The main problems faced by clinicians in the process of carrying out scientific research works were heavy clinical works (accounting for 86.9%), followed by the lack of research teams (accounting for 56.4%), and the disconnect between scientific research and clinical practice (accounting for 55.4%). Conclusion Clinician groups in China have a clear career development planning, but their participation in scientific research works is generally limited, and they are faced with such limiting factors as “heavy clinical works” and “lack of research teams”. It is suggested that class Ⅱ/Ⅲ public hospitals should take scientific and technological innovation as a key task, pay attention to the important supporting role of scientific research works on the high⁃quality development of medical services, and continue to promote the construction of research⁃oriented hospitals. Public hospitals should establish and improve the planning of scientific research talents, and improve the training, use, evaluation, and incentive mechanism of scientific and technological talents.






