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论著·系统评价 | 更新时间:2024-05-09
Qualitative research of back to school experience in children with craniocerebral tumors: Meta integration

广西医学 页码:297-303




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  • 参考文献

目的 分析与整合颅脑肿瘤患儿重返校园的体验,并寻找支持性因素。方法 计算机检索中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普资讯中文期刊服务平台、Web of Science、PubMed、Medline、CINAHL、Embase,收集有关颅脑肿瘤患儿重返校园体验的质性研究文献。采用澳大利亚乔安娜·布里格斯研究所循证卫生保健中心的汇集性整合方法进行文献结果整合。结果 共纳入11篇文献,从中提炼出46个主题,可归纳组合形成11个新的类别,最终得到4个整合结果。4个整合结果分别为疾病及治疗的持续影响、重返校园融入体验、顺利重返校园的支持因素、信息沟通与传播障碍。结论 颅脑肿瘤对患儿产生持续的消极影响,医护人员应积极承担信息联络角色并提供有效支持,促进颅脑肿瘤患儿成功重返校园。

Objective To analyze and integrate the experience of back to school in children with craniocerebral tumors, and to search supporting factors. Methods The qualitative research literature related to back to school experience in children with craniocerebral tumors were collected by retrieving the databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, VIP, Web of Science, PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, and Embase. The aggregative synthesis of Australian Johanna Briggs Institute Evidence⁃Based Health Care Center was used to integrate literature result. Results A total of 11 literature was enrolled, 46 themes were extracted from them, which could be summarized and combined to form 11 new categories, and finally 4 integration results were obtained. The four integration results were continuous influence of disease and treatment, integration experience of back to school, the supporting factors for successful back to school, and barriers of information communication and dissemination. Conclusion Craniocerebral tumors have a continuous negative impact on children. Medical and nursing staff should actively assume the role of information liaison and provide effective support to promote the success of children with craniocerebral tumors to return to school.






